embroidery and stitch origins

to be updated …

18 Responses

  1. J
    Jessica Alba says:

    Love the choice of your pattern Cartoons Embroidery Designs

  2. D
    Dayana says:

    Hi Sarah
    I really love this website . Recently I got interest in embroidery, and I am happy to say that this site helped me a lot . I have done a small embroidery work. I am attaching my small work here 🙂 .
    Stitches I have used is as follows:
    Long Satin stitch
    Back Stitch
    Stem Stitch
    Chain Stitch with back Stitch
    French knot
    Your valuable comments and suggestions will be appreciate . I am very happy for this website .
    Thank you so much.

  3. R
    Roweena says:

    pls advise the type of work this is would like to know as my mother-in law knows it but she does not know what the type of work or the name as she wanted some patterns

  4. d
    devanshi says:

    Any classes in Mumbai . I realy liked your skills.Your stitches are fabulous.I want to join your summer camp.

  5. L
    Lilly Horton says:

    I really love your embroidery site. It has been extremely helpful. I would like to know if you have a book to purchase? My Grandmother taught me most of these stitches when I was a young girl and I would like to pass this on to my Grandchildren. I could print these out but would prefer to have you receive the benefits of your knowledge, time and efforts. Thank you so much. Lilly

    • s
      sarah says:

      Dear Lilly,

      It is really nice of you that you find value in passing hand embroidery lessons to your grandchildren.

      It is also very kind of you that you thought of me as well!:)

      I am in the process of making an ebook. If all goes well, it should be available in 6 months time…but it is hard to say that for sure as I have two little kids in the house with constant demands. So, just watch out for the announcement. 🙂

  6. E
    Edith says:

    Parabéns pela preciosidade do seu trabalho.
    Muito obrigada por disponibilizar os pontos e a maneira de fazê-los. Você tem um coração generoso! Que Deus a proteja sempre! Abraço.

  7. S
    Shanahan says:

    Beautiful!!! Thank you for all your hard work!

  8. J
    Jo Darby says:

    Dear Sarah, I recently found your site and am so glad! What a lot of work you do for our benefit, you must love embroidery so much. I attach a picture of an embroidery I am making for a pillow front. I traced different patterns from other sources and made them into one design for my pillow. It was a lot of work and I dont think I want to draw my own design each time! Is there a way to buy all over chikankari designs and patterns? I want to embroider a sal for myself and cannot find embroidery designs to transfer to the fabric. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Jo Darby
    Durham NC USA

  9. F
    Farzaneh says:

    Hi Dear Sarah

    I am from Iran , and like your site so much , could you please write and learn us more about any kinds of Indian embroideries ?
    I am sure other people from other cultures ( same me ) interested to know about them and like to learn how are Indian stitches and patterns ?
    thnk you very much

  10. z
    zila souza says:

    Estou encantada… sempre achei linda a arte de bordar, vc fêz parecer tão fácil … vou pegar agulha e linha e dar início… sou brasileira, moro no Rio de Janeiro, achei seu blog por acaso e já estou a me deliciar com todas suas postagens há horas. Muito obrigada. Bjs do Brasil para você. Deus Te abençoe

    • s
      sarah says:

      Caro Zila,
      Estou feliz em saber que nossas páginas têm inspirou você a assumir o hobby. 🙂 É delicioso saber que você encontrou as nossas páginas mais fácil e agradável. Espero que gostem das aulas e bordar. Todos os melhores desejos para você.

      Dear Zila,
      I am happy to know that our pages have inspired you to take up the hobby. 🙂 It is delightful to know that you found our pages easy and nice. I hope you enjoy the lessons and embroidering. All best wishes to you.

  11. i
    ivone says:

    achei lindo seus trabalhos, parabens.visite meus trabalhos no atelie tia vanja.

  12. i
    ivone says:

    achei lindo seus trabalhos, parabens.

  13. M
    Marilon Speed says:

    I am looking for a stitch made of loops on the surface that can be clipped to form “hair” on an animal like a horse’s mane, or a lion’s mane. I had the directions many years ago, but lost that information in a house fire, and have not been able to relocate the information. It begins with a tight loop and then you leave a loose loop on top of the surface to be clipped, followed by another tight loop, follower by another loose loop until you get the area covered. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated, even the name of the stitch would help me find directions, as I can’t remember the name either….

    • s
      sarah says:

      Dear Marlion,

      I can suggest you one stitch that can be good to make a horse’s mane like effect, and seems like the one you are talking about. It is the Turkey rug knot or the Ghiordes knot. I don’t have the tutorial for this stitch prepared yet, but you can always check other sources for the directions. This stitch can be done closely to create a row of long loops, which needs to be combed and trimmed to give a ‘hair’ effect.
      Hope this information helps. 🙂

      Sorry for the late response…for some reason, your comment reached me late.

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